I want to install Artix, but I’m having some problems.

First, I tried using the community KDE ISO. Install went fine and dandy. But I couldn’t do pacman -Syu because of conflicts with libjdk or some such. I want to note that the Artix wiki says the ISOs are rebuilt every 2 weeks, but the most current ones are from last July. Are there more recent ISOs available?

So I tried doing it the hard way with the base install. I used the community ISO again to get the wireless working during the install, but when it gets to rebooting the laptop I don’t have working wifi. This is on a Lenovo Thinkpad T480.

/etc/conf.d/net has


/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf has


     ssid="<my wifi network>"
     psk="<wifi password>"

This fails on bootup with

Bringing up interface wland0
  Caching network module dependencies
  Starting wpa_supplicant on wlan0 ...
Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
rfkill: WLAN soft blocked
rfkill: WLAN soft blocked
  dhcp ...
    running dhcpcd ...
dhcpcd-10.0.6 starting
dhcpcd_prestartinterface: Operation not possible due to RF-kill
wlan0: waiting for carrier
timed out
ERROR: net.wlan0 failed to start

Any ideas on what I’m doing wrong? Why is my wlan0 soft blocked?

  • z3rOR0ne
    11 months ago

    It may not be the same problem, but I took notes on connecting a bare bones Artix ISO to WiFi using wpa supplicant a while back. Take a look, see if that helps. I believe you have to change some settings using rfkill.

    I highly recommend signing up and using Artix’s official forums. As long as you provide enough context about your problem, the devs and community there is super helpful.

    • ValenOP
      211 months ago

      Thanks for the quick reply! I’ve managed to get things working better now from the community ISO.

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      The “man” for rfkill shows:

             rfkill - tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices
             rfkill [options] [command] [ID|type ...]
             rfkill lists, enabling and disabling wireless devices.
             list [id|type ...]
                 List the current state of all available devices. The command output format is deprecated, see the DESCRIPTION section. It is a good idea to check with list command id or type
                 scope is appropriate before setting block or unblock. Special all type string will match everything. Use of multiple ID or type arguments is supported. Possible types are all,
                 {wlan | wifi}, bluetooth, {uwb | ultrawideband}, wimax, wwan, gps, fm, nfc.
             unblock id|type [...]
                 Enable the corresponding device. If the device is hard-blocked, for example via a hardware switch, it will remain unavailable though it is now soft-unblocked.
             toggle id|type [...]
                 Enable or disable the corresponding device.
                   rfkill --output ID,TYPE
                   rfkill block all
                   rfkill unblock wlan
                   rfkill block bluetooth uwb wimax wwan gps fm nfc

      You can list and then unblock or toggle the specif device, or you can as well unblock all devices, and so on.