• @Son_of_dad
      245 months ago

      Every science article, every single one. They always make things sound like breakthroughs and I have to come in the comments to find out it’s bullshit or exaggerations. Why?

      • @affiliate
        255 months ago


        so that people click the link

        • kratoz29
          35 months ago

          Jokes on them, I did not, I just read the most popular Lemmy comment.

      • @Tyfud
        135 months ago

        The truth is they use this as a way to secure additional funding, or show existing grants that progress is being made.

        Whenever you feel the need to ask why in a capitalistic driven society, the answer usually ends up being: “money”.

      • @jecht360
        75 months ago

        It’s an issue with media outlets sensationalizing everything. The authors of the study even say that it’s premature to call this a cure in humans. It is a nice step forward though.

      • Enkrod
        35 months ago

        Tell me you didn’t read the article without telling me you didn’t read the article.

      • @AA5B
        35 months ago


        The headline is clickbait. The article ends with

        “While these preliminary findings are very encouraging, it is premature to declare that there is a functional HIV cure on the horizon,” the researchers say.

        I get more frustrated with articles like this than true clickbait. Here’s a genuine breakthrough in science, in an important health area: we should be excited, happy, inspired. Instead we’re annoyed by a misleading clickbait headline

      • @afraid_of_zombies
        15 months ago

        Maybe view this stuff as a gradual accumulation not as a world changing event. As others ITT pointed out there was fuck all medical science could do about this disease in the era of Reagan Christians laughing about it. Now you can get it and live almost a normal life, provided you live in a wealthy country. The virus is dying not with a bang but with a whimper.

      • @mvirts
        15 months ago

        I think its to emphasize the importance of what seems small and boring out of context. Even though it may border on being misleading, I certainly would rather read extrapolations by informed journalists than be left not knowing which conclusions are important to me after reading a scientific publication.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        To be fair, every ‘breakthrough’ starts small and takes decades before reaching the public.

        Lithium-ion batteries are my favorite example because we take them for granted but the technology to make them was proven in the 70s.

      • @mipadaitu
        476 months ago

        That’s not even remotely the same thing.

      • @guacupado
        185 months ago

        Some of you really need to stay off the internet.