So, a friend of mine and I just went two for two on frustrating experiences:

SP Interception is just frustrating for the two of us. We struggle to clear all the gits from the capture points between their high health and constantly streaming in. In general we can each take and hold a point then potentially hold a third long enough to gain the lead. However, the Acolyte then spawns in and annoys us long enough to lose the lead, mostly through trolling with their abilities.

I have a Kuva Lich and my friend has a Sister of Parvos as our On Call Crewmen but neither of us have put any work into optimizing them, they’re both just more-or-less the first thing we spared rather than killed. I also summon Kahl and his support units while my friend calls Ancient Healers (they prefer a different Air Support).

I know my Lich isn’t optimal, it uses one of the less impressive Kuva variant guns, the Quartakk, and only has one power that’s noticeably helpful: their version of Hollowed Ground. Their SoP Crewman is similarly unimpressive but I don’t recall the specifics. Both of us need better help. So, what should we be looking for in terms of the best support for SP missions?

  • Meltrax
    11 months ago

    Yeah, almost all the Kuva weapons are good options, but honestly just any gun you have fully forma-d and properly modded.

    • Halasham@dormi.zoneOP
      11 months ago

      Thank you. I’ll convey this to my friend and we’ll see if our crewmen can hold the third for us on Interceptions now.

      • Meltrax
        11 months ago

        Honestly, what’s more important is your frames. Crewmen are not alive long enough to hold a point for an entire interception.