• @Guy_Fieris_Hair
    711 months ago

    When I was a lower level and first started playing on suicide a dude got on the chat and said “I dropped the samples at extraction” I thought he died on his way through on the way to the next mission and got called in somewhere else. I didn’t put two and two together that he did it on purpose. So on my way through I grabbed them. A couple minutes later my brain made the connection, and i just kept my mouth shut and decided to protect them with my life. To add to this story, I am a firefighter at a quiet station, during down time we play games but in the off chance I get a call I have to leave. So… 10 minutes later, I got a call. So unmuted my mic, told them I had them , and told the dude I was standing next to that I was dropping them and I have to leave and before I even opened the menu to drop them every one of them emptied their guns into me and took them. And I closed my laptop. I found the whole situation funny. Especially when you are first playing on suicide it is PURE CHAOS and your running around screaming.