In a story that will undoubtedly leave you shaking your head and chuckling to yourself, a local father is reportedly convinced that his 6-year-old son is destined to become an NFL star as a quarterback, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Sources reveal that the father has been pushing his son to become a football prodigy since the boy could barely walk. Despite the lack of any discernible talent or genuine interest in the sport, the father remains convinced that his son is the next Tom Brady.

Read the rest of the satire news article here at

  • @Delphia
    46 months ago

    Its a chicken and egg scenario.

    The kid who has trouble developing the basic skills when they are 6 gets picked less, gets less field time, gets less positive reinforcement… by the time they are 13 the kid that DID grasp catching the snap and throwing first has been doing it for 7 years. Even if the first kid hits a growth spurt and everything about his body “clicks” and all of a sudden he could be the next Brady he now has to get 7 years of experience competing with “fast hands” McGee who is the starting QB at their school.