Mine is Sympathy For The Devil Song by The Rolling Stones

I could not take the background singers and it would enrage me!

hoo hooo hoo hooo hoo hooo for 6 solid minutes!.

I studied the song and the story behind it and became at piece with it eventually.

I just heard it on a YouTube channel and realized I like it now.

  • @[email protected]
    711 months ago

    Basically the entire eurodance genre, when I grew up in the 90s/00s I absolutely hated the genre, it was just mindless annoyance to me, I enjoyed classic rock, but tastes change, and now half of my phone’s music library consists of eurodance, Aqua, Alcazar, Caramell, Dr. Bombay, Erasure, Fast Food Rockers, Gina G, Ian Van Dahl, Infernal, Las Ketchup, Los Del Rio, Me & My, Milk Inc, Mr President, Captain Jack, Nakaromi, O-Zone, Sunstroke Project, Paradisio, Rednex, Sash!, Solid Base, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Sqeezer, Steps, A Touch of Class, Toy-Box, Vengaboys and Whigfield are all artists I either found or would have found increadibly annoying back then, now all of these are on my phone

    • Quazatron
      811 months ago

      You seem to be missing 2 Unlimited and Ace of Base.

      • @CoggyMcFee
        11 months ago

        All That She Wants will always remind me fondly of being driven to high school by my older sister in 1993 with that song on repeat