• @Horrible_Goblin
    211 months ago

    Yeah that expecting yourself to end up where you fit is something im really working on with therapy right now. Rationally I’m convinced its the way to go, its how my partents thought me to go about things. Sadly Ive been bullied a ton quite early in life, and because of that often assumed I was just not compatible with the world. Workwise I also had some bad luck… so its a lot of work building up the trust in myself and the people around me that its enough to just be myself… But I know I can do it, and I have the right support RN, so it just a matter of time.

    A little rant, but ive never said this out loud now that I think off it ^^" yay progress

    • BOMBS
      111 months ago

      yay progress


      I’m still surprised how similar a lot of us are. It’s like being autistic results in having nearly the same experience across the board.

      • @Horrible_Goblin
        211 months ago

        as it goes with a lot of diagnosis.

        This doesnt do it justice, but being socially different in a specific set of ways tend to create the same results as human social communication is just so specific… sure theres some local customs and habbits and such withing communities, but the thing we look for in a primal sense are all very specific. Not making those rule consistently is as confusing for them as it is for us. so suddenly their whole social playbook goes down the drain* and the only options are to either reject or to really engage and try to understand that different world, making all sorts of sacrifices in an attempt to try and keep up. (you know, like we do 24/7).

        *NGL, at times I get a fair amount of satisfaction when this happens. Like; welcome to my world darling; do you not know what my face means? OH, that must be terrible. No, I’m not gonna tell unless you ask, and then i’m gonna act like you’re weird for not understanding right away! OH, what was that? did i not respect your space? I’m sorry, just explain to me all the ways how your space needs to be respected and ill try to get it right on my third try.Oh, its hard to explain what you need from me right now? Well, figure it out you can’t expect me to read your mind now can you. [all with a kind soft smile] (sorry, i’m a bit bitter today)

        All in all what makes the struggle the most difficult for me is no cuddles, no physical affirmation. If I could just get my daily cuddles from someone, I’d be so much more balanced as a person. But now I just gotta act very casual around people while im actually just starving for some affection. (but I learned the hard way that when a 2m guy starts showing he craves for affection, people dodge him even more) Again, sorry for going so dark… not really having my day today… im in a venty mood

        • BOMBS
          311 months ago

          NGL, at times I get a fair amount of satisfaction when this happens. Like; welcome to my world darling; do you not know what my face means? OH, that must be terrible. No, I’m not gonna tell unless you ask, and then i’m gonna act like you’re weird for not understanding right away! OH, what was that? did i not respect your space? I’m sorry, just explain to me all the ways how your space needs to be respected and ill try to get it right on my third try.Oh, its hard to explain what you need from me right now? Well, figure it out you can’t expect me to read your mind now can you. [all with a kind soft smile] (sorry, i’m a bit bitter today)

          That’s okay. I think there’s a sense of validation in that experience. Seeing an NT struggle with understanding autistic culture and social interactions is validating of the struggle we experience with NTs. For me, it’s not that I find pleasure in their difficulty as if I’m getting a sense of revenge. It’s that I can see that there is a difference in our neurological design, so we both have to work harder to interact. Autistic people just happen to be the minority in a society designed for NTs, so we have more difficulties.

          All in all what makes the struggle the most difficult for me is no cuddles, no physical affirmation. If I could just get my daily cuddles from someone, I’d be so much more balanced as a person. But now I just gotta act very casual around people while im actually just starving for some affection.

          DUDEEE! I am the same way. I just need that physical affection and I’m good. It’s not that I want romantic or sexual attention. That would be nice, but not the point. There’s just something about cuddling and physical touch that seems to be a necessity for my mental well-being. I just need to be held, squeezed, or caressed regularly. It’s one of the reasons I like dancing as a hobby. There’s a lot of physical touch and interaction that helps me meet that need in an appropriate manner. Here’s a relevant meme you might appreciate:

          Me and my ex used to get into terrible fights, but even when we were mad at each other, as long as she was touching me, I was ok.

          Again, sorry for going so dark… not really having my day today… im in a venty mood

          I don’t think you need to apologize. That’s what this community is here for: to support each other. ❤️

          • @Horrible_Goblin
            211 months ago

            yooo, these messages mean a lot to me. This hasn’t been the easiest week, and the… well… everything of it means a lot. Ill try to get back to this with a more elaborate reply when I do have the space and mental capacity <3

            • BOMBS
              211 months ago

              It’s nice to have a place where people understand you, right?! Get back to me whenever. There’s no hurry 👍