Knife > automatic Weapon 🥸

  • @Bloodyhog
    311 months ago

    Hmmm. Never thought of that. On the other hand, I have some foxes problem in my garden. Surely a few well thrown grenades could help. Thank you for opening my eyes! Will lobby for a change in the laws of my land.

    • @BallsandBayonets
      311 months ago

      You don’t even need grenades for that, just pour gasoline down the foxhole and toss in a lit match.

      • @Bloodyhog
        311 months ago

        Nah, they do not actually live there, they are just browsing every night, shit on my lawn and throw around rubbish if they manage to open the bin. So I do need a tripwire or two. Too bad neighbours’ cats are also on a prowl, that is the only thing that limits my demolition urges!