• @BarelyTheraminOPM
    71 year ago

    See also: me frantically summoning all relevant images from my hard drive, in order to populate the community.

    • @ActuallyASeal
      21 year ago

      So I’m no expert at community building but just posting your hard drive might not work to well. I think you’ll basically end up with Potemkin village.

      Leaving some low hanging fruit for others to post might drive more engagement and therefore grow the community more over time.

      That’s not to say I think all of your posting is bad, I did find you on new, just that there is probably an optimal rate of it and it’s probably under fire hose.

      • @BarelyTheraminOPM
        41 year ago

        Absolutely! Definitely no intention to keep up this pace. Just wanted to have some things already here when people stumble in.