So I’m watching TOS for the first time… (have alreay watched all show from TNG to DISC quite a while ago and yes, my fav is DS9 followed by TNG) and have just started “The Enemy Within”

Idk why but my shitpost-ridden brain instantly went “wait… d-did they make Kirk hot?”

that’s it, that’s the post. It’s mostly a /hj (I hope (?))

(just has the vibe of queercoding a villain having the opposite effect)

EDIT: I have now seen the following sexual assault scene, wtf

  • kbal
    2911 months ago

    … because they had to make him distinguishable from normal Kirk but hadn’t yet settled on the convention of just giving him a goatee?

    • @T156
      411 months ago

      Could also have been to make the difference more subtle, since they’re different parts of the same person, rather than being two separate people like the goatee counterparts are.