I’m assuming that’s a side effect. Looking it up it seems to have started because the people of the time believed it reduced transmission of STDs and that it lessens the urge to masturbate.
I’ve always found it curious that a religion that hated women so much would make a ritual out of a genital mutilation that makes men last longer. enjoy sex less.
God made you that way, and she doesn’t make mistakes. Think about it.
Hail Satan
He seems to have left a test foreskin on the deployment build.
That’s tamper resistant packaging. You’re supposed to remove that before use.
I’ve always found it curious that a religion that hated women so much would make a ritual out of a genital mutilation that makes men last longer.
I’m assuming that’s a side effect. Looking it up it seems to have started because the people of the time believed it reduced transmission of STDs and that it lessens the urge to masturbate.
God doesn’t exist.
Then who will I blame for all of life’s problems?
Are you new to Lemmy? Capitalism, obviously!