In the sixth episode of the show, we found out about Shady Sands’ fall in 2277. Four years before New Vegas starts. This retcons New Vegas. No one in the NCR talks about how their capital got nuked in NV. In the quest You’ll Know It When It Happens, the president of the New California Republic visits the Hoover Dam. Why would the president visit the dam after the capital got attacked? Hell, why is the NCR still in the Mojave Wasteland? It doesn’t make sense. So yes the show does retcons New Vegas.

  • Hal-5700XOP
    11 months ago

    I’m talking about New Vegas only.

    @Cannibal_MoshpitV3 Maybe talking about all of the series on rereading it.

    • @Zron
      811 months ago

      You said they’d have to remove the NCR if they remade New Vegas.

      I just told you why that’s not the case, but you seem hell bent on this idea that the NCR is gone because of the show and all 5 square miles of territory that it showed us.

      If you don’t want to listen to other people’s ideas, why make a post about it?