• @LookBehindYouNowAndThen
    11 months ago

    Funny, when I look at a mirror I don’t see a Nazi looking back at me.

    Maybe that’s just a you thing. Try changing your hat maybe?

    You can play dress-up all you want, but fascism is a right-wing reactionary ideology against socialism.

      • @LookBehindYouNowAndThen
        11 months ago

        What a fun little cryptofascist game we’re playing.

        If you don’t believe that fascism is right wing then you’re standing against a century of scholarship on the subject. Anti-intilectualism is another hallmark of fascism after all.

        But we both know that you’re just believing whatever is convenient for you to win an argument: the facts aren’t as important as showing strength against the leftists.

        Gee, why does that sound familiar?

          • @LookBehindYouNowAndThen
            1111 months ago

            I love how the Republicans are the ones showing up to rallies with a flag that harkens back to a mythical perfect past where black folks were considered property in the service of white supremacy and you look at the Democratic party and think: “so that’s where all the fascists are…”

            It really makes you look like an honest judge of where on the left/right binary your reactionary ideology is.

              • @LookBehindYouNowAndThen
                11 months ago

                The Neo Nazis voted and supported nude. Weird how you think that’s not related.

                What the fuck are you talking about?

                Edit to address your other nonsense:

                You mean the flag of the democrats? The war we fought against the democrats because they wanted to divide and into groups? Thanks for proving my point

                So why do Republicans bring that flag to their rallies? Damn you sure are smart! Thanks for this tutorial on ideology.

                  • @LookBehindYouNowAndThen
                    1111 months ago

                    So you believe fascist propaganda.

                    Woah, who would have thought???

                    You may have noticed that Biden refused that endorsement.

                    Did you miss how Trump said that there were very fine people marching with the Nazis in Charlottesville?

                    Or how David Duke endorsed him in 2016?

                    Or how he had noted anti-semite Kanye West and white-supremicist Christian Nationalist Nick Fuentes over for a lovely dinner?

                    Or how he said that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country?”

                    Or how he wanted to ban people of a certain religion from entering the country?

                    Or how he said that a judge couldn’t possibly be impartial because of his Mexican ancestry?

                    Or how he kept claiming that Obama wasn’t born in this country for some reason?

                    Or how he tried to retain power in defiance of the voters of the United States?

                    Or how he intentionally diverted medical supplies away from the people who were likely to vote against him during a pandemic?

                    Or how he leaned on the DoJ to drop the cases against him?

                    Or how he campaigned on locking up his political opponent?

                    Or how he encouraged police to use excess force when arresting a suspect?

                    Or how he encouraged his street gang to be ready to instigate violence if the election didn’t go his way?

                    Or how he appointed Christian Nationalists to the SCOTUS, overturning a woman’s right to choose her own medical procedures?

                    Or how he said he wanted to be a dictator multiple times?

                    Yeah, you make a lot of sense.