The long awaited Cass report has been published looking at gender affirming care in the NHS.

  • katy ✨
    111 months ago

    it should be worth noting that more has come out about hilary cass’s ties to the american far right and religious fundamentalists.

    I have come into possession of an email sent by Patrick Hunter of the Catholic Medical Assn to the Florida BoM, where he says Dr. Cass and her team met to share info with the Florida BoM.

    Patrick Hunter was handpicked by DeSantis to ban care, and met with Cass to do so.

    • AlexOP
      111 months ago

      Meeting with different groups is hardly evidence of bias on her part. The report even mentions the range of views that fed into report in the intro.

      • katy ✨
        111 months ago

        it wasn’t different group it was one group with the express stated intent to ban care for trans people

        • AlexOP
          11 months ago

          From the foreword:

          “Throughout, the Review has focused on hearing a wide range of perspectives to better understand the challenges within the current system and aspirations for how these could be addressed. This report does not contain all that we have heard but summarises consistent themes, using direct quotes to illustrate points made, where appropriate.”

          How heavily does she quote this group in the report? Because the report certainly doesn’t recommend banning care for trans people.