When your day is going too well and you don’t trust it and some shit finally goes down …
… Ah, there it is, the fuckening !!

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      “one of the causes of aversion to happiness may be the belief that happiness is unstable and fragile”

      It isn’t?

          • @GardenVarietyAnxiety
            10 months ago

            Well it’s never permanent, but I would imagine someone in good health, with strong familial and social connections who lives above the poverty line (person A) is much more likely than someone without one or all of those things (person B) to have a stable feeling of happiness.

            Stable, in this context, meaning harder to shake or break.

            An example being person A is having a good day and they get a flat tire. The issue is much more likely to be resolved without affecting their overall happiness very much, whereas person B’s day might be ruined, which is more likely to have a knock-on effect that can greatly reduce overall happiness.

            This is not to say someone without those things wont be happy, just citing a few top level things that, when absent, can make someones life experience more difficult.

            As far as under what circumstances would someone experience stable happiness? That’s different for everyone because we all have unique challenges in life and how we were raised can directly influence where we are emotionally and what it will take to find happiness.

            One of the most sure fire ways to find happiness is in kindness and forgiveness to others, as well as yourself.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              That all sounds very idealistic, dare I say naive.

              People do not typically assess their own happiness by looking at those less fortunate than themselves. They may feel a sense of relief that their situation isn’t as severe but that is not happiness.

              Human beings fall ill and pass on, every day. Those are guaranteed outcomes. So yes, while we may all have unique challenges there are some core facets to the human experience that none of us can escape. People who suggest that happiness is anything but fleeting and impermanent are deluding themselves.

              The human experience itself is fragile and unpredictable. How then can human happiness not be?

              • @GardenVarietyAnxiety
                110 months ago

                Ah, a nihilist. I know my limits, and virtually nothing I can say will change your mind because it’s still closed, and you likely already have an answer to any questions you ask.

                However, I’ll leave you with this:

                You can see it as naive and idealistic, and sure, I get it. But I never claimed happiness is permanent. It’s a worldview, and those can and should change. How they change is entirely up to the individual.

                You have more control over your path than you realize, and those who benefit from a defeated or complacent populace are terrified of you realizing it.

      • @psud
        010 months ago

        It’s not for me, though I don’t live in America

    • @No_Ones_Slick_Like_Gaston
      10 months ago

      Great username. On this event where “everything is suspiciously right” and you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop is a form of anxiety.

      As it happens in the world that affects the mind, if you’re up does not mean someone somewhere else is down because is not a zero sum event, we can be up, and down at the same time for different reasons. This reminds me of the tale of two cities where 'it was the best of times it was the worst of times" sets the dichotomy of our existence.

      • @GardenVarietyAnxiety
        210 months ago

        Thanks! I loved the flow.

        And I agree. Ups do not require downs. Just the opposite, in my experience. One person’s “up” can, and often do, lift the others around them.

        • @No_Ones_Slick_Like_Gaston
          10 months ago

          You can thank “the whitest boy alive” is my take on one of the lyrics and really made me think a lot about this subject a few years ago. Think the song title is 1517