A military base in Iraq housing a pro-Iranian militia has been damaged in an explosion, killing one and wounding eight, security officials there have said.

Iraq’s military reported no drones or fighter jets in the area before or during the blast.

But the militia organisation involved, the Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF), blamed an attack.

It comes amid heightened tensions between Israel and Iran.

The PMF is an umbrella organisation that contains several pro-Iranian militias that are part of the network of proxies that Tehran has been able to use to advance its interests across the Middle East for years.

Those militias have attacked US personnel and interests in Iraq on a number of occasions in the past, with the aim of trying to force the remaining US troops to leave the country. The US has regularly struck back at the militias.

The Pentagon has, however, moved swiftly to deny any involvement in this incident.

    • @Rapidcreek
      35 months ago

      Might? I love the way some describe these guys as something other than what they are.

      • @sazey
        05 months ago

        Patriots that fought off an invading army there on false pretences?