Ru serves as always. All queens return. Miss congeniality/ies are crowned, Sasha Colby returns… What a show. What were your thoughts? Share them here!

  • Doll_Tow_Jet-skiOP
    411 months ago

    Wow… Nymphia did that. To be honest I wasn’t particularly rooting for her during the season but as soon as she did her opening number I was gobsmacked. Pure star quality. She ate them up and left no crumbs. Everything else feels like a side-dish to Nymphia’s performance. Sapphira’s performance was also amazing (the first one). Plane clearly fell flat and imo was rightfully eliminated. For the final performance, poor Sapphira didn’t stood a chance. And what was with the vampire teeth. I didn’t get that

    Side note: The face of discuss of Amanda that production decided to show when Plane Jane was being interviewed by Ru… that was shady but I lived for it.

    I loved seeing Amanda and Plasma as the main dancers when the queen’s number started. They were my favorite queens and seeing them take front stage felt so rights.

    Sasha Colby reminded the children how it’s done. I would say she’s the mother, but I guess that would make Ru the grandmother… oops!

    Did anyone else feel it was weird that T.S Madison left the judges table when Ru sat? bitch, couldn’t they just get another chair?

    In sum: Awesome season, awesome, unexpected winner. The finale was amazing.

    • @GlitterInfection
      211 months ago

      I agree with basically all of this.

      Nymphia stole the crown in a power move I did not expect. The balloons on the butterfly lyric was effortlessly exceptional, and if I’m reading into it, an intentional show up of Asia O’hara’s attempt at a similar statement of a reveal, heh.

      • faticake
        311 months ago

        I really thought Sapphira was gonna win until the finale ep. Nymphia earned her crown. Now time to get some boba tea

        • goldenbug
          311 months ago

          Ive been a bananafan since the get go but I was banking on my girl Sapphira.

          I was surprised but also happy for Nymphia. She won that lipsync.