• gk99
    1 year ago

    Oof, what a shitty article.

    Edit: Like I’m just saying, Republicans have no place to talk regarding homelessness and trying to push politics here is pathetic. I live in Oklahoma, one of the most red states in the country, and I hate going to downtown Tulsa because I get constantly accosted by homeless people of varying sketch levels. The highways around here always have people begging for change on the offramps. We’re supposed to lock the breezeway doors at my job on the PM shifts way out because during winter we had homeless people hanging out in there to get out of the wind.

    Like tell me more about how it’s a democrat problem when I give an actual solution and it gets turned down for being “socialism.”

    • @kintherOP
      01 year ago

      I agree it’s a pretty shitty article and not well written, bordering hypocritical because it’s a national problem and not just a west coast problem. It’s commentary and not necessarily what I’d deem “journalism”. When discussing what we are dealing with here in Seattle, I usually just say it’s a complex problem and it doesn’t have an easy solution.

      • Doug Holland
        1 year ago

        Homelessness certainly does have an easy solution, but it’s expensive and we’re not willing to spend the money.