Lebanon’s economy and electricity system are broken and much power is now generated locally, with devastating effects on air quality and health

Smog hangs over Beirut most days, a brownish cloud that darkens the city’s skyline of minarets and concrete towers. An estimated 8,000 diesel generators have been powering Lebanese cities since the nation’s economic collapse in 2019. The generators can be heard, smelled and seen on the streets, but their worst impact is on the air the city’s inhabitants are forced to breathe.

New research, to be published by scientists at American University of Beirut (AUB), has found that the Lebanese capital’s over-reliance on the diesel generators in the past five years has directly doubled the risk of developing cancer. Rates of positive diagnosis, oncologists say, are shooting up.

  • Flying SquidM
    255 months ago

    It’s okay, it’s probably biodiesel and that’s perfectly safe and healthy.

      • Flying SquidM
        225 months ago

        I assumed it was obvious, but either way, I hate doing that. I’d rather have the downvotes.

      • kamenLady.
        5 months ago

        it’s okay, …

        That’s what signalled me, that what’s coming could come from the humorous side.

        Well, that’s only my experience, after having long conversations with squids, so take it with a grain of sea salt.