We’re talking actions limited to something one human could achieve - so not wishes, but could be something amazing or rare like “become president”

  • HubertManne
    110 months ago

    oh darn. reading the title I thought it was one thing you could repeat that would always succeed. Like always hit the bullseye in darts or such.

    • @LesserAbeOP
      210 months ago

      That’s a good idea too. Probably would be a lot of gambling related answers to that one as well, like how everyone here wants to win the lottery.

      I was actually asking the question more to reframe how we think about our one shot to live our lives. How should I be spending my time if I could get my shit together? And I think the repeatable question has a similar value: if there’s one thing you should be practicing and investing time in, what should it be?

      • HubertManne
        210 months ago

        I have actually thought of that from that perspective sorta. I mean my answer would be a gamblng one but I knew this woman whos father made her and her sister get hair cutting certs when they were in high school and then in college she cut hair for cash and did it every so often throughout her life including her kids. It made we kinda wonder if it would be good to get a varitey of things like that when young. massage therapy, hair dressing, know an instrument or sing and such.