Blacking Out Corporate Propaganda and Educating for a Revolution.

“You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can’t jail the Revolution.”

  • Fred Hampton (1948 - 1969)

Short Summary

  1. President Joe Biden has been criticized for condemning students protesting against genocide, labeling them as anti-Semitic.
  2. The criticism includes Biden’s conflation of Judaism with Zionism, which is argued to be incorrect.
  3. Zionism is described as a fascist ideology leading to authoritarianism in the video.
  4. Israel is accused of meddling in US politics and promoting increased fascism to suppress protests.
  5. The speaker praises Columbia University students for their protest against Zionism.
  6. A call for unity in opposing the genocidal ideology of Zionism is made.
  7. The [positive] privilege some students have in protesting is highlighted.
  8. Potential consequences for students engaging in protests are warned of.
  • @stanleytweedle
    25 months ago

    Right on, sounds like you just don’t want to be taken seriously. I don’t think there’s really a market for a left-wing Alex Jones but good luck!

    • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
      15 months ago

      More like Jimmy Dore lefty, hahaha

      Thanks and have a great day!