As the titler says - what is your favorite ink, and why? Does it change with the seasons or the use case?

I can start out. My current favorite is Diamine Oxblood. I’m not really sure why this is, but I like the color and it behaves nicely in my Safari. I also enjoy my Iroshizuko Tsuki-Yo, and I really like this color, but I have not tested this much. But I think it will be good in my AL-Star 2023LE Petrol! 😎

  • Onda
    32 years ago

    My favourite is Diamine Sargasso Sea. It’s vivid and stands out, but it’s “normal” enough to use in professional situations.

    It’s also an exact colour match for my daily driver pen (Pineider Avatar UR in ultramarine), which is a big plus point.

    • HSLM
      22 years ago

      I love that it can have a red sheen. Fantastic saturation, too.