• AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
    35 months ago

    Ukraine is far from a forever war, unless you’re proposing that Russia will keep invading them forever. They’re literally defending against a foreign enemy, you know, that thing that all soldiers swear to do. It is beneficial to Ukraine and to the United States for Ukraine to stand. If Russia expands into Ukraine then we’re back in a pre-WWII situation where a foreign enemy power is expanding across Europe against the will of every other country on the planet, except maybe China and NK.

    • NeuromancerOPM
      -75 months ago

      I don’t mind sending aid to Ukraine. I was only pointing out what Rob said.

        • NeuromancerOPM
          -75 months ago

          Umm. It’s weird you think paying for poor medical care is dumb.

            • NeuromancerOPM
              -75 months ago

              I think paying into a system that most people agree is broken by being profit-focuse Do you have a citation for that? I have never heard that.

                • NeuromancerOPM
                  -65 months ago

                  You said most people. That’s is something that needs a citation. Otherwise it should read your opinion which is meaningless since it doesn’t back data.

                  You isn’t give a citation. I’ve noticed in lemmy people don’t understand what a citations is or how to give one.

                  A citation is not your opinion of something but an actual documented source that says that with a link and the most relevant section pasted in the body.

                  Now if it’s general topic, the just the link is fine.