Members of Michael Protzman’s conspiracy cult abandoned their families and spent their life savings to follow him to Trump rallies around the country.

  • prole
    22 years ago

    Nobody can ever just fucking die in these people’s addled brains.

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      What do you expect from people who were brainwashed since childhood to believe that a two-thousand-year-old philosopher would resurrect anyone who repeated his memes?

      Step 1) Be indoctrinated into an irreconcilable belief at an age when your brain is still forming.

      Step 2) Have every aspect of the world outside your circle telling you that what you were raised to believe is gobbledygook.

      Step 3) Ignore everything your senses and basic reasoning would tell you. Your logic centers and cognitive dissonance detectors were broken long ago.

      Step 4) Adopt new gobbledygook whenever the old gobbledygook gets stale. Rinse, repeat.

      • PhoenixRising
        42 years ago

        Doesn’t matter with these people. They’ll say that it’s really Hunter Biden in prison and Trump is wearing a DeSantis mask. Reality has no place in their world.