A resolution called for ending the ability to vote for U.S. senators. Instead, senators would get appointed by state legislatures, as it generally worked 110 years ago prior to the passage of the 17th Amendment in 1913.

“We are devolving into a democracy, because congressmen and senators are elected by the same pool,” was how one GOP delegate put it to the convention. “We do not want to be a democracy.”

  • teft
    639 months ago

    “Every time the word ‘democracy’ is used favorably it serves to promote the principles of the Democratic Party, the principles of which we ardently oppose.”

    That is some Olympic Games level mental gymnastics right there.

    • @[email protected]
      239 months ago

      I’m pretty sure thats exactly the intent behind all these chuds blathering on about “um, akshually we have a Republic and not a democracy” are actually trying ti accomplish. Imagine some Brit arguing that they have a King and not a monarch 200 years ago.

      • @Dkarma
        -179 months ago

        Every government is a republic…

        • @[email protected]
          119 months ago

          That’s absolutely not true. The Middle East is loaded with countries that dont even pretend to be republics like Kuwait, Qatat, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.

          • @Eatspancakes84
            19 months ago

            The most common definition of a Republic is that the head of state is not determined by birth. China is a Republic. So are Germany/France/Italy. The main difference between most Western countries and e.g. China is the presence of a representative democracy.

    • @feddylemmy
      79 months ago

      I wonder if they would freak out if glue instructions said “apply liberally”.

    • @[email protected]
      69 months ago

      So much of modern conservatism/Republicanism in the US is pure reactionary, “own the libs” thinking. If Democrats wanted to pass a resolution stating “puppies and kittens are cute,” they would be opposed merely on principle.