The report:

Excerpt from the main link:

Amnesty International sounds alarm on a watershed moment for international law amid flagrant rule-breaking by governments and corporate actors

  • Powerful governments cast humanity into an era devoid of effective international rule of law, with civilians in conflicts paying the highest price
  • Rapidly changing artificial intelligence is left to create fertile ground for racism, discrimination and division in landmark year for public elections
  • Standing against these abuses, people the world over mobilized in unprecedented numbers, demanding human rights protection and respect for our common humanity

The world is reaping a harvest of terrifying consequences from escalating conflict and the near breakdown of international law, said Amnesty International as it launched its annual The State of the World’s Human Rights report today, delivering an assessment of human rights in 155 countries.

Amnesty International also warned that the breakdown of the rule of law is likely to accelerate with rapid advancement in artificial intelligence (AI) which, coupled with the dominance of Big Tech, risks a “supercharging” of human rights violations if regulation continues to lag behind advances.

“Amnesty International’s report paints a dismal picture of alarming human rights repression and prolific international rule-breaking, all in the midst of deepening global inequality, superpowers vying for supremacy and an escalating climate crisis,” said Amnesty International’s Secretary General, Agnès Callamard.

    • Optional
      5 months ago

      [But the review panel nevertheless unanimously concluded that Amnesty International had botched its statement in several ways and that its key conclusions that Ukraine violated international law were “not sufficiently substantiated” by the available evidence.

      . . . An earlier version of the report was harsher, according to the person briefed on the matter. But Amnesty International lobbied the panel to soften its tone, and it did so in some respects — like revising its characterization of Amnesty’s conclusion that Ukrainian forces violated international law from “not substantiated” to “not sufficiently substantiated.”](

      See also: Experts widely condemn Amnesty International report alleging Ukrainian war crimes