• @antidote101
    9 months ago

    … because that’s what most women are shopping for in a partner, or worse they’re shopping for that AND the opposite at the same time.

    It’s the same as men who want q wealthy career driven wife who raises the children and is effeminate and submissive.

    Everyone wants a super hero who can give them everything. So yeah, both sides want an irrational fantasy character.

    • @Jafoo
      28 months ago

      “Everyone wants a super hero who can give them everything. So yeah, both sides want an irrational fantasy character”

      This is all part and parcel of a larger social ill. For all of the(often justifiable)griping we indulge in, regarding contemporary “Woke Entertainment”, Hollywood has been flooding our societal atmosphere with increasingly dysfunctional messaging, for well over 30 years now https://moviesupclose.com/2019/06/09/avengers-endgame-and-the-childishness-of-the-mcu/

      As the article points out, this took root with Disney movies in The 90s

    • BaldProphet
      -249 months ago

      I don’t know any men who would choose a career-focused woman over a family-focused one. I don’t think this is as much ESH as you make it out to be.

      • @[email protected]
        59 months ago

        You’re just discounting the entire portion of people who don’t want families. So more people are looking for others who are independent enough to bring in a second income and live their completely self-sufficient financial life (up until the point they join their financial life, that is) next to themselves.

        You’re acting like it’s 1950 where men want a woman to stay home and poo out some tykes, have dinner on the table after we leave our office jobs that support an entire family of four—but in 2024. Where none of that can really exist in this economy. Not to mention, people want different things these days. Sure, there are some retrogressive men, maybe you’re one of them, but the majority are looking for an equal partner.

        • BaldProphet
          -18 months ago

          You’re just discounting the entire portion of people who don’t want families.

          No, I’m simply saying I don’t know any men like that personally. I know they exist, of course. It’s just that in my circle of influence I only know family-focused men. My whole point was that such men aren’t necessarily a rarity, but now I’m starting to think that was the point all along.