A study recently published in the peer-reviewed American Psychologist journal claims that a combination of facial recognition and artificial intelligence technology can accurately assess a person’s political orientation by simply looking at that person’s blank, expressionless face. Read more…

  • @shalafi
    55 months ago

    As a human I feel like I can make a damned good guess as to someone’s politics by looking at them. We’re really, really good at picking up clues from faces, even if we’re not conscious as to why we’re getting those clues.

    Despite being an avid shooter, I’m very liberal. No one I’ve talked to, or been around, regarding guns has ever assumed I’m conservative. In fact, I’ve noticed they’re damned careful to dance around politics around me.

    Maybe it’s the long hair? OTOH, I can be red necked out in my attire and holding an AR-15 and people still won’t being up conservative views. And I’m in a very conservative area where it’s safe to assume a guy that looks like me is a Trump voter.

    I could see an AI correlating 10,000 facial cues to make an accurate guess. Interesting to think on.