Remind me that its worth it and it gets better.

Just had Baby #2 a few weeks ago and I somehow forgot how isolating and challenging the newborn stage is. Maybe a growth spurt but the excessive crying and inconsolable behaviors, the sleep deprivation, the loss of ones self, no support outside of dad…

Marriage seems to have a harder time through this one too. The bonding with baby is difficult. Everyone keeps telling me how big my baby is and how she looks like a boy. My body has permanent reminders of this decision.

I know about PPA and PPD. I fully recognize that the hormone dump is real. But please, other parents of multiples, remind me its temporary and that having a family of 4 is better than 3.

  • BlueÆther
    611 months ago

    As a dad, talk to your partner

    I didn’t know some the things my wife went through until well after the fact.

    You know that it will get better and easier as the new one grows and family routines develop

    All the best for the coming years from a father of two girls