Baptized Catholic, family converted to strict Christianity after that then early adulthood I considered myself agnostic.

Now I’d say agnostic Christian but that’s contradictory. Maybe spiritual? Idk

I don’t go to church and do things like that as why I say that.

I don’t like force what I believe in on other people. Common sense says that is not my place and also rude. I don’t wish to convert people. I’m not on a mission to ‘shove it down throats’

It’s the little things that show me God is looking out for me. I’ve got my own set of things im dealing with as everyone else does too.

But finding my vape (I lose it a lot) and then getting an urge to make my bed and suddenly finding it ?

That’s a miracle. Little things like that. Needing extra and then being bored decided to go through my old purses and found 100 dollars?

Those things are HUGE to me. Relieve so much stress. And they seldom happen. I’m thankful for a lot.

I’m grateful for those moments.

  • @GardenVarietyAnxiety
    11 months ago

    To everyone giving Alice shit…

    Lets say for a minute that we found literally any proof at all and it proved undeniably that there is no god, nothing. Just black and white. Physics and energy.

    The placebo effect is a thoroughly researched and scientifically established thing. Studies that show a positive mood can affect how well you recover after surgery… Mindset matters.

    If Alice credits something greater than themselves and gets a happy chemical boost from finding 100 bucks that they already had? Sounds like a good situation to me.

    Every time I see an atheist call someone out for their beliefs, I just see the other extreme of the spiritual spectrum. I see a person trying to feel better than someone they find inferior.