May be an incident where they could not understand how much things they take for granted cost to the normies, a flagrant disregard for morals or ethics, a blatant show of arrogance or disconnectedness, or anything yould like to share.

  • GoofSchmoofer
    11 months ago

    A very rich friend of mine decided that they wanted to “take time off” and travel the world. She called her travel agent (10 pm on a Saturday) and got them to build a world trip by Monday afternoon. That Friday she got on a plane and just left for 9 months of travel. There was never a sense of this being a big deal or extravagant but more of a quirky whim.

    It was then that it occurred to me that while we live on the same planet we don’t live in the same world.

    • RGB3x3
      11 months ago

      It’s this kind of shit that people don’t realize the ultra rich can do. They literally buy more time to live their lives.

      They don’t have to shop, cook, clean, do housework, do laundry, book tickets, plan travel, or even manage their own finances.

      They pay people to do all of that for them, gaining them more of their lives to enjoy.

      The rest of us have to put up with getting like 30% of our lives to ourselves.