• @yeahiknow3
    1 month ago

    I haven’t seen antisemitic comments anywhere, but maybe they just get deleted.

    Unless you think being anti-Israel is antisemitic? But if that were so, being anti-Russia would be anti-christian and being anti-Saudi would be Islamophobic, etc. I don’t think so. Some nation states are horrible and the only logical response is to be “against them” in their current configuration. (For example, since only 8% of the world’s countries are full democracies, you can assume I’m against the others.) If Saudi or Israel changed their ways, then I would be “for them” whatever that means. Keep in mind, countries are made up nonsense anyway, so we can only criticize their organization and administration.

    Lastly, religion is a hideous evil. Perhaps this accurate observation itself is considered somehow antisemitic. Not sure.

    • @[email protected]
      81 month ago

      Interestingly enough, the Palestinian people are actually a semitic race. So I’d argue the most antisemitic people on earth are the Israelis.

      • @Gabu
        81 month ago

        No arguing there, Israel is a Nazi State wearing a Jewish cap.

    • MxM111
      -351 month ago

      I don’t think we are talking about lemmy or kbin. It is about universities and resent protests and crackdown on those protests.

      • @[email protected]
        361 month ago

        Please share amy evidence you have of actual anti-Semitism. But it has LONG been a play of the Israeli government to claim that anti criticism of Israel is anti-Semitism, which is absolutely ridiculous.

        • @PugJesus
          -11 month ago


          Near Columbia University, antisemitic slogans including “go back to Poland” were heard among the protesters’ chants. In one video, a demonstrator can be seen holding a sign near Jewish students that reads: “Al-Qassam’s next targets.”

          Inevitably, some people in any cause, no matter how just, will be swept up in extremism. The important thing is to isolate these elements without slowing or impugning the greater cause.

          • @[email protected]
            21 month ago

            The important thing is to know and be committed to your own values clearly, so that when someone comes along trying to get to involved in things you don’t support, you can recognize that just because they’re acting friendly or want to be your ally, that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

            The end result of everyone doing that is the kind of isolation you’re referring to. Doesn’t need to be centrally coordinated; the group just isn’t fertile ground for the extremism any more, because the members of the group know what they’re about.

        • MxM111
          -211 month ago

          I am not going to search the articles in American news for you - if you somehow missed it, you can Google yourself. I do not know what Israeli government says, and do not see even see importance of what it say with respect to what is going on on American campuses.

          • @[email protected]
            161 month ago

            So there isn’t any anti-Semitism going on at the protests. You’re just trying to gaslight everyone into believing whatever Israel says in order to carry on slaughtering innocent people.

            • MxM111
              1 month ago

              First of all I was not talking only about protest, but what is going on on American campuses. But second, are you saying that these protests do not sometimes chant “from the river to the sea” and pro-hamas chants?

              And if any of us is gaslighting it is you, how did not even bother to google, and state that there is not any anti-Semitism.

              So, I google it for you to close topic first 3 links (I did not even open them):

              Should I continue? There are pages and pages of these. Stope taking social sites as the news sources, read the real news. Get out from your echo chamber.

              • @endhits
                141 month ago

                From the river to the sea is not anti-semitism

                Israelis are invaders in Palestine, and Palestinians have the right to resist occupation.

                • MxM111
                  1 month ago

                  From the river to the sea, includes parts that are not Palestine. You know that, right, yet pretend to think as if it does not mean destruction of Israel, the way Hamas demonstrated now. That’s what “from the river to the sea” slogan means - it is a call for genocide and if you support that, then yes, you are an antisemite, and simply moral monster.

                  • @Aceticon
                    1 month ago

                    So, imagine that it is indeed a call for the destruction of Israel.

                    That would be at most anti-Israel, unless you’re a Racist who thinks “all Jews are the same”, since the only way to believe the nation of Israel is the same as the Jewish Religion, which in turn is the only way to justify claims that anti-Israel slogans are always antisemite, is to think that all Jews support and identify themselves and their religion with Israel, i.e. that they’re all the same and hence all think the same - a belief which is the purest of racist prejudice.

                    What’s even more racist about claiming that anti-Israel is the same as antisemitic is that many Jews openly oppose Israel, including participating in these very same demonstrations, so by conflating anti-Israel with antisemitism you’re straightforward implying that you yourself can define Jewishness better than actual Jews and by applying it to these demonstratiins which were also attended by people who are Jews, you’re accusing said Jews of being antisemite, i.e. “Bad Jews”.

                    It takes quite a lot of racism to go around implying that some Jews are anti-Jew because they disagree with the actions of a state that self-proclaims to represent them. In fact that kind of thing is typical of Fascism and Fascist nations.

          • @[email protected]
            21 month ago

            You don’t have to google search the articles. Just find the ones you read, that convinced you, in your browser history.

            Or google it and click the purple links.

            Unless of course you formed this opinion without any sources being involved?

            • MxM111
              21 month ago

              I suggested the person who is asking to google it - I do not need to google. But I did anyway and answered here: https://kbin.social/m/[email protected]/t/985285/-/comment/6369815

              As for history, my main source of news is on Apple News, where I have subscription. I do not think it has history of what I have read.

      • prole
        1 month ago

        Then why did all those faculty at Columbia walk out in solidarity? They all support violence in their schools? It’s almost as if we’re being fed bullshit and lies.

        • MxM111
          -151 month ago

          How percentage of faculty who protested removal of the tents by police has any relationship or relevance to antisemitism on the same campus?

          • @[email protected]
            1 month ago

            You further antisemtic propaganda. Jewish students are an integral part to the protests. Jewish faculty supports the protests. You claim them to be antisemitic and support the police beating up and arresting peaceful Jewish students.

            You support violence against Jews, because they don’t share your political ideology.

              • prole
                01 month ago

                Yeah totally. And your comment (quoted here verbatim) totally makes sense:

                How percentage of faculty who protested removal of the tents by police has any relationship or relevance to antisemitism on the same campus?

                This is how your comment reads:

                Have you ever been so far even as decided to use go want to look more like?