• Cosmic Cleric
    5 months ago

    Or if you’re referring to 401ks again

    Yes, I am…

    Almost half of the “loss” this article refers to rebounded even by the time I wrote this comment compared to when the article was published

    So would you advise to ignore all headlines for 24 hours-ish, to see if the losses are real or just a blip?


    yes in general it’s a bad idea to be making active trades in a 401k with a time horizon of decades based on day to day minor fluctuations of the stock market.

    That didn’t answer my question though. I wasn’t asking about trading, but if a news article like this one comes out, should it be ignored for a certain amount of time, since you seem to think its not legit/sensationalized, based on your ‘half of the loss rebounded by the time I wrote this comment’.

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