• @KammicRelief
    15 months ago

    This is excellent! Putting it on twice in a row rn.

    • @Choco617OPM
      25 months ago

      Glad you like! Tbh I posted it just because everyone’s talking about this album, but it hasn’t really resonated with me. I’ll have to give it another shot

      • @KammicRelief
        15 months ago

        Gotcha, yeah – I was thinking it’s a little unlike the techdeath you usually post. This is a little more blackened imho, which is more up my usual alley :-D

        • @Choco617OPM
          25 months ago

          Nice! Yeah that’s true. I’m always down to explore though. What are some of your favorite blackened death releases? Maybe maybe I’ll queue up a Black[ened] Friday tomorrow

          • @KammicRelief
            15 months ago

            Oh gosh, that’s a good question. I don’t often think in terms of genres, but I just find myself veering towards black, atmospheric black, black death, dsbm, you know. But, I just looked at a list of blackened death bands and one album stuck out that I love: Esoteric Malacology, by Slugdge. I’m actually not super into stuff like Behemoth, Goatwhore, etc… it’s a little too theatrical and over-the-top for me.

            Tomb Mold probably doesn’t count, but I’ve been loving their latest album too. :) Doing a quick scroll through my library here, I’ll list some standouts: Ethereal Shroud, Woe, Ash Borer, Lunar Aurora… it’s ever-changing!

            • @Choco617OPM
              15 months ago

              Yeah same here, I’m not too good at identifying tech/black/prog/melo/core elements, I just go for what sounds good. Hell yeah Esoteric Malacology, love Crop Killer. Tomb Mold is good too, but I know Planetary Clairvoyance better than The Enduring Spirit. The others are new to me, so I’ll check those out, thanks!