Nintendo is literally a depressing company right now…

  • @dumpsterlid
    11 months ago

    Ok, the intelligence of the most average person I know is still plenty intelligent. I don’t only know geniuses or something, it’s just I don’t feel like the normal human beings I encounter on a daily basis are deficient in intelligence. What makes people awful is usually their beliefs not their intelligence.

    The human brain is FARRRRR too powerful of a biological adaption to get manipulated so transparently in this way by imagery in one context with imagery in another. It is an absurd ask to say that people would be “dumb” enough for their brains to do this and no except in neurodiverse cases (which is cool!) the human brain doesn’t work like this.

    • @[email protected]
      711 months ago

      Going to second the other response to you.

      Please come back after you’ve worked in any customer service position interacting with the general populace. Plenty of smart folks out there, but just as many people that absolutely are not.

      It’s a known fact that Wii U sales suffered to a significant degree because people thought it was an addon to the Wii, not a new thing. There are a lot of other issues with it, but that is a knowm factor found by market research.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        also to further back the statement, it wasnt because wiiu games were bad, in fact most of the wiiu games ported to switch are top sellers, so no one can make the claim it was a game quality issue.

      • @dumpsterlid
        211 months ago

        Please come back after you’ve worked in any customer service position interacting with the general populace. Plenty of smart folks out there, but just as many people that absolutely are not.

        I have, people are enraging sometimes but also people are fucking stressed as hell these days, I think overall people try to get along as best they can, even when working customer service where you meet insane people and need to rant about them after work because it breaks your brain how stupid they are from your perspective…. but that is life, a lot of people are hurting at least in my country (US). I don’t blame people for falling apart or making stupid choices because they don’t have the energy or alacrity left in their bodies after work to function.

        Yeah there are assholes, I am not some naive fool who trusts everybody, but I am sorry I just aggressively don’t agree with this endlessly repetitive narrative that the average person is a lazy, dumb piece of shit. I know people like that, but the real ones, who could have lived a much easier life but chose to be an asshole just because, are actually pretty rare.

        Plenty of people are landscapes of trauma (like me) even just from the trauma of always being stressed about money, and I just don’t feel like when that pushes people to do stupid irrational things that that really is an indicator those people were stupid, morally deficient or lacking in industriousness.

    • @SchmidtGenetics
      11 months ago

      What’s your areas testing and graduation rates….? Average IQ? I know that’s not the best metric, but we need something here.

      Because that sounds like a wonderful fairytale place to live.

      This is done, because this a very common issue with people… you seriously want to bury your head in the sand on this one….?

      • @dumpsterlid
        11 months ago

        It doesn’t matter where you live, we are all the same species of animal and the brain in our skull that we like to lament as stupid when we make general statements about the intelligence of the public around us is an extraordinary thing.

        I get people’s cynicism and I am kind of annoyed people think I live in a fairytale lol, I just see humans around me trying to live their lives and being mediocre humans…. and the intelligence of mediocre humans is nothing to dismiss.

        People are smart as fuck, conservative and hateful ideologies do make people behave like idiots but I mean I don’t fault the human brain for getting brainworms when the brainworms are firehoused (one might say trickling down at a rapid rate) at everyone by the wealthiest people in the world 24/7.

        Also yo are you seriously looking for me to give you the average IQ of the population around me? This feels like two steps from getting out calipers and measuring people’s skulls to determine their intelligence. I agree, let’s NOT stick our heads in the sand.

        • @SchmidtGenetics
          111 months ago

          You said they are intelligent, so what are you basing that off of than? The only real tangible thing is IQ, so yes it is a fine metric in that case.

          You’re in sciences it seems, so you would be around people with supposedly higher intelligence, but at the same time… damn can they be dumb, mislabeling chemicals, thinking if they drive with the top down they can’t get sunburn since the rays can’t hit them…. Yeah smart people are dumb too, some barely pass while other fly. So there is a large discrepancy right there. Yet you are clumping them all into the same “intelligent” category.

          Thats obviously extremely disingenuous, but you’re not going to see this are you?

          • @dumpsterlid
            011 months ago

            The only real tangible thing is IQ

            Look at how much work that sentence is doing! Damn, you just shut down several entire categories of science and culture devoted to understanding what intelligence is in all its complex varieties of form, well done!

            • @SchmidtGenetics
              011 months ago

              So… what other options are there? And why are you not bringing them up to defend your point when asked?

              You realize you’re making a fool of yourself and people in your field, yeah? You’re giving off a “I’m smart, why aren’t you” attitude, and that explains everything about your view.

              So you going to defend and address any points? Or are you just gonna flout that you think you’re intelligent when you’re probably below the line and why you think everything is a okay….

              • @dumpsterlid
                011 months ago

                I never said I thought everything was ok? My point is that things are not ok for reasons that have nothing to do with people being too stupid, it is a lazy lament with no foundation in reality in terms of describing why people are suffering.