Anyone using this set-up? Before I sort out my router, I’m kinda stuck with it. I can get it to work by connecting my PiHole, disabling DHCP and then reconnecting all devices manually. Only issue is that if anything happens to cause the PiHole machine to lose connection, no other device can connect to the router.

  • bennel
    11 months ago

    I don’t have Virgin Media Hub, but my pihole has been configured as the DHCP server for years.

    The PI’s Lan cable is connected directly to the router, so connectivity isn’t an issue. I rarely restart it except for routine maintenance, but yes if the PiHole goes down, then everything starts to throw connection errors. This is expected. If the router was the DHCP server and the router goes down, then you would also lose internet.

    However, since it’s separate from the router, if you ever do need to take it offline, you can always explicitly set the IP configuration on a computer to bypass the pihole temporarily.