If you play 1… e5, you’ve run into the King’s Gambit at some point. And if you’re anything like me, the positions make absolutely no sense once you get about 5 moves in. So let’s talk about it. What defense do you play against the King’s Gambit? What are the main ideas for black? How do you survive when White is throwing everything they have at you? What resources have you used to learn more about the black side of this opening?

  • @first_ad4972
    2 years ago

    I play 2… d6 then usually take on f4 next move to transpose into Fischer defense. I think this move order is better because it tempts some 3. Bc4 players to play Nf3 attacking your pawn, when you can transpose. If you don’t want to learn theory then just play the KGD with 2… Bc4 and 3… d6. In both lines white can’t play 3. fxe5 due to 3… Qh4+.