“Are you feeling encrypted?”

  • @Clent
    401 month ago

    When the government says to start preserving records, you start preserving records.

    There is no need to pretend this is some government posture over secure messaging. This literally about the lack of saving those messages. How they were sent is irrelevant as long as a copy can be provided.

    • JelloBrains
      221 month ago

      I see.

      And because Amazon didn’t instruct employees to preserve messages sent in the app until more than 15 months after it was notified of the investigation

      I somehow misconstrued this line into thinking they had been using it for those 15 months and were then notified they weren’t supposed to. I screwed up there.

    • @doublejay1999
      31 month ago

      That is missing from every headline, and sub headline on this story wherever it is submitted.

      Thank you for pointing it out .