In video of the April 18 encounter, Frank Tyson can be seen lying motionless on the floor of a bar for more than 5 minutes before police check him for a pulse.

The Canton Police Department in Ohio has released body camera video from the night a 53-year-old man died after he repeatedly told officers “I can’t breathe” as he was handcuffed with his hands behind his back and he was pinned to the ground.

In video of the encounter on April 18, the man, Frank Tyson, can be seen lying motionless on the floor of a bar for more than 5 minutes before police check him for a pulse and about 8 minutes before CPR is started.

In the nearly 36-minute video, police respond to the scene of a single-car crash to find a downed power pole and an unoccupied vehicle with the driver’s side door open and an airbag deployed.

  • FenrirIII
    99 months ago

    Police are cowards and bullies. They treat everyone as a suspect rather than a human.

    • Dark Arc
      9 months ago

      They really don’t. My cousin married a cop, my brother is a volunteer fire fighter that regularly has to interact with them, a good friend of mine is an ex-cop turned IT guy, the guy who lives across the street from me is a cop, I’ve also had interactions with random officers at coffee shops here in Akron and at a few events.

      My hot take is most of them would rather live and let live unless you’re doing something monumentally stupid or they get a call.

      And yeah, I’ve also met some douchebags on power trips, but “ACAB” is a failed and ridiculously confrontational movement. You’re never going to get anywhere near the reforms we need to see in policing with the ACAB or “fuck the police” mentality.

      • @[email protected]
        79 months ago

        Sure, they’re nice until they’re on the job, having a bad day, decide you’re a “bad guy” due to whatever biases or circumstances they find you in, get angry or frightened and snap and kill you as we’ve seen over and over and over again.

      • FenrirIII
        69 months ago

        Fuck the police unions? ACUAB? It’s the protection of the unions that allow cops to behave badly and kill people. The unions support the untouchable status of cops for almost every criminal act they commit while on duty. They hide behind the badge while allowing so many bad actors to tarnish it daily.

        • Dark Arc
          9 months ago

          I can get behind attacking the police unions and demanding they be reformed (particularly the ones that have a history of protecting abuse of power and excessive force serial offenders). That is more constructive but less catchy (as constructive points usually are).

      • @NocturnalMorning
        9 months ago

        We’ve had very different experiences with police officers. It’s my personal interactions with police over the years that’s given me a very low opinion of them. Then I saw someone get fired from a job a few years ago, and he decided instead to go into policing (he’s a former marine), which is when I realized police aren’t some magical cabal of highly trained individuals. Most people go into policing in the U.S. these days bcz they can’t do anything else.

        That’s a sorry state of policing in my opinion, and much of our issues with police culture stem from that.

        Unfortunately, there’s scientifci data and statistics to back up what I’m saying, and there’s very little data to back up your viewpoint.

        • Dark Arc
          9 months ago

          I hate lynch mobs. ACAB and “fuck the police” are lynch mobs based on broad generalizations.

          There is scientific data and statistics to show that black people and others are disproportionately targeted by the police. It’s immediately obvious the police unions protects their own including some folks they likely shouldn’t.

          These are problems we should strive to understand and fix.

          There is not scientific data showing that all cops (or even more than a minority of cops) are bullies out to treat everyone as a suspect or fetishize their next opportunity to beat the crap out of someone. That is an opinion and one that immediately shuts down any hope of a reasonable discussion about how two parties might move forward. Show me one scientific study where someone went “you’re a bastard and you can go fuck yourself” and then got a constructive response… It doesn’t exist, because people do not like being put into groups and told what their own individual opinions must be.

          • @[email protected]
            69 months ago

            ACAB is an earned generalization from day-to-day experience, actual statistics, and media coverage. We’re long past “make nice.” Police need to go. So fuck their feelings.

          • @NocturnalMorning
            49 months ago

            Why do you keep bringing up lynch mobs? We’re talking about police reform here, it’s necessary. The policing system is rotten to the core. It’s not a few bad apples, or we wouldn’t be having this conversation even.

            • Dark Arc
              9 months ago

              Look at your behavior. There’s nothing constructive here. There’s no constructive talk about reforms. There’s no proposal for what to do better. There’s no new take or new information. There’s literally nothing of value.

              It’s just “police bad” and I’m not here for it. I’m talking about lynch mobs because the ACAB crowd is not contributing anything more than a lynch mob would.

              • @NocturnalMorning
                9 months ago

                Would you like me to make a three page proposal of police reforms in a lemmy comment? There have been a number of reforms proposed. I’m a fan personally of abolishing the dipshit union that protects all police officers. But that’s probably only part what needs to be done.

                • Dark Arc
                  9 months ago

                  I’d like you and everyone else to stop name calling and start voting. That’s what I’d like.

                  Here’s the problem, I agree with you on the actual policy you just said you’d like change and I’m pissed off by the name calling. How do you think someone that disagrees with you is going to feel?

                  Ya’ll aren’t winning anyone over running around generalizing a population of nearly a million police officers as “bastards.” (EDIT: in this case “cowards and bullies”). It’s detrimental to the cause and serious discussions and it’s childish.

                  • @NocturnalMorning
                    09 months ago

                    When did I call you any names? Also really presumptuous of you to assume I don’t vote on these issues. I take this stuff very seriously, and vote in every election in my town that I’m aware of. Buy, I don’t think voting alone is going to solve this issue. If it did, we’d have already solved the problem. We have to demand change.

                    The government wants this bcz the police don’t work for the people, they enforce the laws that keep people rich, and make them richer. (Whether those officers realize it or not)