Officials say unidentified man killed influencer who had previously been imprisoned over dancing videos

A man on a motorbike has shot dead a social media influencer known as Om Fahad outside her Baghdad home, Iraqi security officials have said.

The unidentified attacker shot Om Fahad in her car in the Zayouna district on Friday, a security official said, requesting anonymity because he was not cleared to speak to the media.

Another security source said the attacker appeared to have pretended to be making a food delivery.

Om Fahad became known for lighthearted TikTok videos of herself dancing to Iraqi music wearing tight-fitting clothes.

In February last year, a court sentenced her to six months in prison for sharing “videos containing indecent speech that undermines modesty and public morality”.

  • @[email protected]
    710 months ago

    Saddam was encouraged by the US to invade Iran. The US also provided help to Saddams nerve gas program, including “consulting” on how to use it on Iraqi Kurds, resulting in the most deadly nerve gas attack in human history. Oh and the equipment on which they made the nerve gas was supplied by Germany.

    Until Saddam went into Kuwait he was heavily supported by western countries.

    • @sazey
      610 months ago

      How are you getting downvoted for this? It has to be paid shills cos no one is that stupid.

      Even with Kuwait, he was given the go ahead by Madeline Albright who apparently told him what he does in his own backyard doesn’t concern the US. He was their man in the Middle East until he got too big for his britches.