Yeah, three steps forward one step back with the screwed up, greedy ass gaming industry.

  • @inclementimmigrantOP
    232 months ago

    Yeah, just another publisher/dev that’s trying to see how far they can push gamers and then take that little step back and go “See this isn’t so bad in comparison!”.

    Just slowly boiling the gamers in the cauldron.

    • dinckel
      52 months ago

      Pretty much. Sadly that’s just how things work today. You either do things right, at a cost, or you become the villain

      • @[email protected]
        42 months ago

        I’m hopeful. I want to believe what happened to Suicide Squad is an indication that consumers/gamers are less willing to put up with this shit than a few (a couple?) years ago.

        • dinckel
          22 months ago

          Who knows. We’ve had games flop the exact same way many times before, and they’ve learned nothing from it