Menopause thus far has been a breeze. This is not common, but it’s probably because I’m on mood medication. It is really nice not to have PMS or tender breasts or leaking or surprise middle of the night flooding or any of it. I feel lucky.

  • @moistclump
    1 month ago

    Congrats! And thanks for sharing.

    Different but similar relief from the PMS, period, leaky side of it. I’m got a hormonal IUD around a year ago and thank the good gods every day for the freedom, lack of pain, and lack of inconvenience. And that’s not including the stability and confidence around feeling like I finally have control over my reproductive future.

    • makeitsoM
      21 month ago

      I tried hormonal IUDs and wasn’t a great fit for them (hormones have always been really difficult for my body to handle) but I LOVED copper IUDs for many years. I’ve known so many women who raved about hormonal IUDs…lighter periods, reliable birth control–what’s not to love!?

      So happy your IUD works for you. I shout from the rooftops any time I’m able to about IUDs. Best birth control ever!

      • @moistclump
        21 month ago

        I also shout from rooftops! Yay!