• Transporter Room 3
    709 months ago

    Well you see, when the people with all the money make the rules, they go out of their way to ensure they never see an inkling of the consequences of their behaviors.

    It’s not logical, as so many things in modern society aren’t when you take a step back and think about the Why’s of the way things are. But society at large is beaten down and starved enough to not question it.

    “It’s just the way things are”

    But it’s not the way things could be

    • @Plopp
      279 months ago

      What we need is a system where the power of the guilty is used as a multiplier for their punishment, especially if they used that power in some way for their crime.

      • Ænima
        139 months ago

        Great idea. I just wish the fixes weren’t reliant on the same foxes “guarding” the hens. Also, I think they do this in a Scandinavian country with income-based fines. Would be nice, but just a pipe dream until we can do something about this stupid fucked up government!

        • @Plopp
          109 months ago

          Yes Finland does it with traffic fines, and maybe other fines as well. That’s sort of exactly what I meant, but with “power” being more broadly defined than just money. (for instance cops have tremendous power they could misuse but not much money)

          Maybe, just maybe, we could get something like that going if we managed to focus more on the split between people top to bottom rather than left to right, or between ethnicities etc.

          • Ænima
            9 months ago

            One can hope. Unfortunately, too many are caught up in wedge-issues to solidify against the parasite class and demand change. When those same rich fucks own all the communication means and information storage, they’d just shut down our ability to coordinate if we ever grouped up to take on that group and this shit world they’ve created.

            • @Plopp
              49 months ago

              Exactly. Who cares about accumulation of wealth and power, increasing income gaps and overall disparity when there are brown and trans people, reeeee! Some sort of enlightened, broad and sustained effort is required, but people with long working ours and stress over bills don’t have the time and energy to engage in all that. Tee-hee says the rich folks.