• @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    The timeline in the show says “the fall of Shady Sands” which was an event from 2277 to ~2281.

    We can assume “the fall” started when the NCR decided to siphon water from Vault 33.

    We know Moldaver was there, and fell in love with Rose (Lucy’s mother) during that time.

    Some time after, Hank (Lucy’s father), arrived and failed to convince Rose to return to the Vault, but took Norm and Lucy from Rose, before detonating the Nuke.

    The NCR is certainly aware of the risks involved with fucking with the Vaults. They must have been desperate to choose to siphon water from a functional vault without knowing what is inside.

    My best guess is the NCR made a choice to grow Shady Sands as fast as possible without considering how to provide resources for everyone.

    • Malta Soron
      311 months ago

      Personally, I feel they always intended the fall to be the nuking, but someone put the wrong date on the blackboard, and now they’re trying to get the story straight again :P It does allow for some interesting possibilities, though.

      • @[email protected]
        511 months ago

        Probably. Though when using the phrase “fall” I think of a civilisation collapse which takes time. A slow implosion; The Fall of Rome.

        I’ve never heard of Hiroshima or Nagasaki referred to as “fallen”.