• @magnusrufus
    210 months ago

    Uh-huh. You clearly have some emotional beef with either John or the topic. Since twitter is made for anyone to share their random thoughts there is nothing out of line or arrogant of him using the platform for it’s intended purpose. So we can either accept that you are not bright enough to know what twitter is or we can very reasonably assume that what’s really got you worked up is you don’t like people standing up for trans people…or you have that secret beef with John. You want to frame ridiculing bigots as “small minded”. That’s also telling about you. You do have an opinion on the topic. That’s what caught your eye and compelled you to make your nonsense comments.

    • Schwim Dandy
      -110 months ago

      Man, you’re terrible at this whole psychological workup stuff.

      • @magnusrufus
        210 months ago

        You are terrible at expressing what your real issue with John’s post was.

        • Schwim Dandy
          -110 months ago

          His small-minded ridicule and his ego in thinking that he needed to share it with the world.

          • @magnusrufus
            310 months ago

            What is small minded about speaking out against bigots? How is it egotistical to post to the world on a platform made to post to the world? You want to attribute those negative labels to John for some reason. Twitter was made for doing exactly what he did so that action isn’t what makes him egotistical in your mind. None of what you are saying makes sense… Unless we add the puzzle piece that you don’t want people advocating for treating trans people decently.

            • Schwim Dandy
              010 months ago

              If you can’t see a difference between the constructive, informational, thoughtful and educational content he provides in his videos and “please trade lives with me so that I can have your tiny, ridiculous problems”, then you’re his target audience that his tweet was intended for.

              He could have said anything that added to a constructive point in a discussion. Instead, he just shit on some nameless group of people that he disagrees with.

              • @magnusrufus
                310 months ago

                Bigots deserve to be shit on. That they think it is a challenge and a burden to just be decent to trans people is worthy of ridicule. You haven’t made a case for it being small minded. You haven’t made a case for it being egotistical. Don’t do that it’s just a disagreement framing. That’s a predictable tactic that is bs.

                • Schwim Dandy
                  010 months ago

                  I see, as long as it’s a group you approve of being shit on, it’s ok. You are definitely his target audience.

                  • @magnusrufus
                    210 months ago

                    If the group is bigots, yes. Again what you are saying and your offense suddenly makes remarkable sense if we assume that you share their bigoted views or are sympathetic to their views.

                    It’s not “oh just because you disagree” or “oh if it’s a group you don’t approve of” or any other derivation. Don’t strip out the context of what is being disagreed with. You got upset because someone was mildly not nice to bigots. That is what stirred you. That tells a lot about you