I built this from scratch, including the the wall framing, drywall, cusom mortar shower pan, and the hardwood floor insert. It was 98% complete here.
I built this from scratch, including the the wall framing, drywall, cusom mortar shower pan, and the hardwood floor insert. It was 98% complete here.
don’t think i can edit from mlem but wanted to ask if what kind of wood you used and do you have a link for the shower unit?
I used a mix of oak and poplar. There are runners on the bottom, going perpendicular to the slats you see which are made of oak and the top is poplar.
We got the ahower wall unit from fb marketplace but its an Ello and Allo, similar unit linked below. It seems like a decent unit, but im sure there are higher quality ones. Im 90% sure its a generic chinese unit that gets rebranded.