esp if you’re one of the devout ones who think they’ve been really good

  • @z00s
    15 months ago

    “it’s different”

    No, if a test has no possible win outcome, then it’s not a true test.

    “Heads I win, tails you lose” is not proof of your ability to predict a coin toss.

    • Jaytreeman
      -15 months ago

      100% it’s different.
      Just because a movie has a jump scare it isn’t necessarily a scary movie. There’s a difference between some existential dread and ‘boo’.
      I’d argue that the accident is a startle response with body horror mixed in.
      Some people are scared of death. Doesn’t matter the cause. That’s what I’m talking about. It’s 100% different than a fatal car accident.

      • @z00s
        15 months ago

        By your logic, all Christians would commit suicide with a smile on their face.

        Stop trying to straw man with unrelated metaphors

        • Jaytreeman
          -15 months ago

          You’re starting to get it?
          That the true believers aren’t afraid of death. The believers that are scared at the concept of dying aren’t actually believers at all.

          • @z00s
            15 months ago

            You don’t get it. Your “test” is not a fair test. Your making shit up to justify your feelings. You’re either 14 and think that you’re smarter than the rest of the world, or your just really, really stupid.

            Either way I’m not going to continue arguing with a pigeon who thinks it’s playing chess.

            • Jaytreeman
              -15 months ago

              Resorting to insults when you can’t get your point across in a reasonable way. My bet is you’re a teacher.

              • @z00s
                15 months ago

                I’m 14 and this is deep