• @[email protected]
    2110 months ago

    u see im very smart if u live under a society u can not criticize it, what RIGHT does a salve have to criticize slavery when they do the masters bidding and eat the food the master provides and wears the clothes the master provides.

    • @MissJinx
      -410 months ago

      When you pay for a luxury brand phone it’s not you master telling you too, it’s you choosing. Don’t come at me with the onipotent lord that control all of us. The system IS broken, captalist is NOT the best for the people but people stiil choose.

      • GrayoxOP
        510 months ago

        Lmao, Capitalism practically requires a phone to get through modern society, buying a decent phone doesnt mean one casts a vote for Capitalism to continue to exist, you absolute ham sandwich.

        • @MissJinx
          -410 months ago

          When you start calling peoples names it’s because you know you’re.wrong. but ok