Most of my fictional cultures in Matters of Honor are made interesting by having them take on the **surface styles ** of one ancient culture (names, looks, architecture, all mildly vandalized to make it more fun/fictional) but they tend to have deeper similarities to an entirely different culture. For example, Breccians are vaguely Germanic in style, but they have a culture of paranoia and cultishness, debased royalty, and organized crime intertwined with government more reminiscent of modern day Russia. I didn’t come up with that process step a priori, I kind of noticed I was doing it and went back and did it on purpose. I think I do my best work this way, playing around and only later formalizing my process. It just takes ages, which is fine when you’re between groups.
Recently I figured out that the problem I’m having with Zerzuran culture was that there is no such definite juxtaposition. There are cool tidbits, but there is not much dynamism. I struck upon the idea of refining their surface styles as more firmly Persian (instead of a mishmash of middle eastern) while drawing out deeper similarities to a wild west American thing, specifically drawing on spaghetti westerns and the interplay between encroaching city life against a fading frontier spirit. They already had spice rangers to fill the niche of heroic cowboys, after all.
How do you write your own original cultures? Is there a better way than carefully laundering things you’ve stolen from real human societies?
Probably Don’t Sleep, There are Snakes. It’s the story of a Christian missionary who goes to convert the Piraha people. Unfortunately, their language stamps empiricism into the verb, so every single sentence has to come with how you learnt the information.
Gossip is grammatically impossible.
So he starts translating the Bible, but they keep trying to clarify what he means.
But he never met Jesus.
But his dad never met Jesus, so the translation cannot work.
The book goes over how they craft, their attitudes towards sleep (it’s a vice - just don’t), the way they think about time.
Eventually, Dan left an atheist. In the end, they converted the missionary through grammar.
I’ve been sitting on a reply for days trying to think what to say and… I got nothing. That’s just so much more of a gold mine answer than I was bargaining for. Thank you!
It’s a great book.
Oh - and also they have zero ‘phatic’ communication. Everything means something. So you can’t say ‘good night’, unless you are saying ‘this night is good for dancing’…or for something else. It’s precise, representative statements, or gtfo. Instead, they remind people ‘Don’t Sleep, [because] there are snakes’.
It reminds me of Bilbo’s ‘Good morning!’, with Gandalf.