• @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    So Trump would suggest (again?) that they not record their atrocities…that’s the difference. He doesn’t need to be president to suggest that.

    Him giving them propaganda advice is immaterial to the fact that neither Biden nor Trump are or would do anything to hinder the actual genocide.

    Netanyahu doesn’t have to like Biden, and in fact he routinely pisses right in Biden’s face and then goes and keeps doing what he’s doing. But yeah, Biden hasn’t publically suggested they should stop recording their atrocities. Oh man, what a fucking hero he is. It’s night and day!

    • Franklin
      1 month ago

      Biden should be acting on the genocide but he isn’t and neither will Trump. The only two people capable of being in office in the next 4 years.

      So pressure Congress, protest and do everything you can but in the meantime those two are nothing alike on most other issues and being a single issue voter has never made the system better.

      • @[email protected]
        -111 month ago

        Ah yeah, I forgot, being against democratic complicity in genocide is being a “single issue voter”. I really need to get my priorities straight!

        “Protest and do everything you can, just as along as you’re not willing to back it up with action.”

        • @disguy_ovahea
          111 month ago

          Let me ask this- Who do you suggest people vote for in order to not be supporting Israel?

          • @[email protected]
            -21 month ago

            You vote uncommitted/blank for the presidency if you want to communicate your unwillingness to tolerate democratic complicity in genocide to the Democrats.

            The Uncommitted primary votes mean nothing if people aren’t credibly willing to follow through when Biden gives anti-genocide protestors the finger.

            • @disguy_ovahea
              51 month ago

              So you’re suggesting Trump then? I’m not sure if you’re aware of the state of the US election system, but there are two candidates that have a chance of being elected. One of them has a voter base that will vote regardless of criminal convictions for attempting to overturn an election, inciting an insurrection, and selling national secrets.

              • @[email protected]
                1 month ago

                Why is it suggesting Trump? If a Republican abstains from voting for Trump is that a vote for Biden?

                • Franklin
                  11 month ago

                  Yes if a republican didn’t vote it would be support for Biden, that is essentially how it boils down

                  • @[email protected]
                    21 month ago

                    Ok, well, I decided right now that I was going to vote for Trump but now I’m voting uncommitted, so that’s a vote for Biden in your book. You should be happy.

            • @Olhonestjim
              31 month ago

              You vote that way in the primary, not the general. All you’re doing is ensuring the worst possible outcome, rather than the one you claim you want.

              • @[email protected]
                -11 month ago

                Worst possible outcome is we stay in this cycle of choosing between the lesser of two evils while people slow boil into accepting fascism.

                The shock is needed. The first Trump term apparently wasn’t enough to convince people of the inadequacy of neoliberalism to address the threat.

        • Franklin
          1 month ago

          Unfortunately, if you view a vote as being complicit you’re complicit no matter what.

          Because with the two party bias there are only two people capable of being in that office and not voting for either of them is still a vote in and of itself.

          To be clear I don’t care who you vote for but you need to accept the reality that you are choosing one of the two whether you mean to or not.

          That’s why Congress is the only realistic way we can pressure our political system to stop what’s currently going on. The government doesn’t stop at the president and plenty of our Congress supports it too which is what allows it to be the way it is.

          • @[email protected]
            21 month ago

            not voting for either of them is still a vote in and of itself.

            No. It’s not. It’s explicitly a non-vote.

            • Franklin
              1 month ago

              Then you’ve failed to grasp the implicit bias that is baked into our political system.

              I’m not saying it’s right we should absolutely be trying to change that. However it’s the truth.

              Until we get something like ranked choice voting we are stuck voting for the best of two or giving power to the worse.

              • @[email protected]
                31 month ago

                Until we get something like ranked choice voting we are stuck voting for the best of two or giving power to the worse.

                Or not voting for either to communicate a message.

                • Franklin
                  1 month ago

                  Yeah you absolutely can but that will whether you intend to or not give power to the other party. Which if your goal is to assuage your moral complicitency then I think you need to rethink your end result.

                  • @[email protected]
                    1 month ago

                    The end result is not concerned solely with this coming election cycle. The lesser of two evils strategy is an undeniable failure, propping up lunatic opponents to make right-wing Dems more palatable is a failure, it has led us to the brink of fascism. At no point has the “tide begun to turn” because people went along with neoliberal strategy. The only chance at stopping that momentum is reforming Democratic politics, that cannot occur if Dems face no electoral consequences for the very worst fascist behavior.

                    A vote for Biden is a vote for the direction this country has been going for 40 years, it’s a concession to the right-wing of the democratic party. You are simply in a privleged enough position to not have been effected by it yet so you are looking to your own immediate self-interest and chastising others for not helping you preserve your bubble.

                  • @[email protected]
                    11 month ago

                    He needs to rethink his end result? What about your end result, the thing that we’re currently experiencing? You’re trying to twist people’s arm into keeping the machine going even though that machine has been failing us for the last 50 years, yet somehow you think this time it’s going to make a difference.

          • @[email protected]
            01 month ago

            there are only two people capable of being in that office

            No, anyone eligible is capable of holding that office. The reason why it’s typically only a member of one of two parties is because of people like you to continue to give them your vote and pressure others to do the same.

            • Franklin
              1 month ago

              I wish you all the luck in the world but I can tell you now that it is not me acknowledging the fact that our system has an inherent two party bias that assured the last 50 years of one of the two parties.

              • @[email protected]
                01 month ago

                How can you argue that it’s impossible for anyone outside the Republican or Democratic party to hold office while also arguing that’s it’s imperative we vote for one of them? Both can’t be true and if you really believe that it’s impossible to affect things, I see no reason why you should feel the need to be arguing with us at all.

                • Franklin
                  21 month ago

                  If you don’t make a choice one is made for you, even if the choice is a flawed one.

        • @Fedizen
          51 month ago

          Believe it or not US presidents have had blood on their hands for years. Even seemingly peaceful actions like the withdrawl from Afghanistan get blood everywhere. If elections could stop the bloodshed they would have.

          The reality is voting does affect some things but its going to take far more than a vote to stop the killing.

          • @[email protected]
            1 month ago

            Ok, you don’t believe in democratic rule and things like our country being complicit in bloodshed and genocide are a foregone conclusion, got it. Blocked.

            • @Fedizen
              41 month ago

              “bloodshed and genocide are a foregone conclusion” -things nobody said

              What part of “Its going to be harder than just voting” do you not understand? Stopping violence means putting your life and wellbeing on the line. No amount of online virtue signaling will stop a genocide.

              • @[email protected]
                -11 month ago

                If elections could stop the bloodshed they would have.

                The reality is voting does affect some things but its going to take far more than a vote to stop the killing.

                You did say that.

                Also, you’re arguing that we should put our life and wellbeing on the line to stop this, while simultaneously arguing that being anything but a party loyalist is inexcusable? That’s insanely absurd.

                • @Fedizen
                  21 month ago

                  Trying to vote against genocide in the US is obviously not possible - the US was built on genocide, and is designed to be impossible to stop while its not creating inconvenience for people who can vote here. The entire system from the ground up is designed not to be influenced to enough of a degree where that’s an option. Its like trying to swim in a lead suit.

                  This is why social movements in the US need bodies. When you’re affecting people who can vote or people near them US politicians are easier to influence.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -11 month ago

                    Again you argue that genocide and violence are foregone conclusions while somehow trying to claim that voting for one of the two parties perpetuating it is going to make a difference, or at the very least arguing thst not voting for one of these two parties is somehow wrong. This is completely nonsensical.

                    Nobody is forcing you to be a party loyalist and there’s no restriction mandating that a Democrat or Republican hold these offices outside of the self-imposed restrictions created by people like you. If you want to shackle yourself to the status quo then so be it, but don’t try to con others into doing the same.

    • prole
      71 month ago

      Nobody here is stupid enough to fall for this bullshit… We all know how Trump feels about Israel, strongman leaders, and ethnostsates.

      Trump takes office Jan. 20, and by the end of month, Netanyahu has a blank check to carry out his genocide.

      But maybe that’s what you want…

        • prole
          1 month ago

          Are you just simply incapable of imagining that but much much worse? Like seriously. I get it dude, what the Israeli government is doing is fucking monstrous. And anyone paying attention to anything knows that not re-electcing Biden will make the nightmare several orders of magnitudes more awful.

          That’s my whole point. Yeah it’s bad right now, but it can and will get worse if Trump is elected. This is a fact.

          • @[email protected]
            01 month ago

            There is no restraint placed on Israel, they are doing exactly what they would do under a Trump admin because you can’t do less than nothing.

            It’s like saying “I know we left the door unlocked and open and that’s how the burglers got in, but can you imagine how much worse it would’ve been if we had removed the door from the hinges?”

            I can only assume you haven’t actually been paying attention to what’s happening in Gaza. It is a genocide. Israel is doing exactly what they want with no restriction.

            • prole
              1 month ago

              Trump literally moved our embassy to Jerusalem. You’re a fucking fool if you think Trump and the psychotic dispensationalists that make up his base wouldn’t make that situation much much worse, then I honestly do not know what to tell you. These people literally want more of this shit because they think it means the rapture is coming. And yes, that is a significant portion of his financial base. That isn’t fringe Republican stuff anymore.

              Shit is really fucking bad over there, but if you don’t think it can get worse (and do so with direct aid and support of the US government), then you must understand very little about human behavior.

              • @[email protected]
                1 month ago

                Ohhh nooo, the embassy! frowny_face.jpg

                Surely it’s so egregious an action that Biden will reverse it any day now because he’s totally different than Donald Trump on Israel. At least Biden is only actively funding a genocide and not moving our embassy to Jerusalem.

                I bet Trump would vote for legislation making it illegal to criticize Israel. Good thing he’s not in office.